VAXEN Typeface
VAXEN Typeface
VAXEN Typeface
VAXEN Typeface
VAXEN Typeface
VAXEN Typeface
VAXEN Typeface
VAXEN Typeface
VAXEN Typeface
VAXEN Typeface

Font For Zula™

VAXEN Typeface

Sale price$22.00 USD

Vaxen Typeface is a Variable Font that has a futuristic, simple, bold, abstract appearance, and is inspired by the Y2K style. Has three styles of angle variations, namely, basic, rounded, and straight. Perfect for projects that want a futuristic and Y2K look. For example apparel, fashion, websites, branding, and others. Vaxen also includes an Italic style

Vaxen typeface has :
- 3 Different style
-- Vaxen basic
-- Vaxen rounded
-- Vaxen straight
- Italic Style Include
- 26 Letters
- 33 Alternates
- 10 Numeral
- 3 Numeral alternates
- Punctuation
- other

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